Predictions for NARUTO 451 are already up!!
Chapter 450
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Also read Naruto Chapter 451

Also read Naruto Chapter 451

Also read Naruto Chapter 451

Also read Naruto Chapter 451

Also read Naruto Chapter 451

Also read Naruto Chapter 451

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by: 52manyou and 2Ch (Nja and Nightjumper)
Naruto heads back to the village exhausted. There he finds Kakashi, whose shoulder he lends.
Naruto is meet by a horde of fans back in the village.(Kakakshi praises him in his mind)
Naruto sheds a tear in the distance. Hinata thinks back to how lonely Naruto was in his childhood, and compares that to the present time. Iruka gets tears in his eyes over sees how Naruto is adored by everyone. Sakura punches Naruto in the face, then immediately hugs him.
Shikaku thanks Naruto in his mind, and calls for an important meeting.(Concerning the Jounin squad leaders)
Zetsu is watching.
"Pain was killed... I'll report this to Tobi"
Scene changes to Akatsuki
Zetsu: "With Pain killed, I don't think Konan will be coming back here"
Madara: [Unsure, he says something about two persons who have can make a link to Gedou Ma Zou, or something]
Madara: "Kisame, you'll go after Hachibi. I have something to take care of after this."
Scene changes to Konoha
The envoy from the Cloud finally arrives.
"Tsunade exhausted herself?" [Unsure about the rest of this line]
Sakura is at a loss too.
Then there's a meeting to decide the next Hokage for the Fire Country.
Before Danzou can introduce himself, Shikaku recommends Kakashi.
Danzou is disgusted
Everyone agrees[with Shikaku], but Danzou protests
"The one who destroyed Konoha is Jiraiya's pupil"
"The betrayal of our allies, the Sand"
"Orochimaru's destruction of Konoha"
"And the nuke-nin, Uchiha Sasuke"
"This was all caused by the Sandaime Hokage's lenient way of thinking"
He then nominates himself to be Hokage.
The Fire Daimyou appoints him as the Rokudaime Hokage.
Danzou smiles from ear to ear
The spine is probably of a manga
Please check out Naruto 451 Discussions

Status: Predictions
Read all of ShiverX's Predictions only here - the only weblog given consent by ShiverX to post all his writings (
Naruto Shippuden 450 Prediction: - The Return and New Direction -
"Naruto looks as Konan starts her journey towards Amegakure"
"Naruto takes the flowers"
Naruto: - My hope will never die as long as I live. This is my promise to you Konan.
Konan: - Thank you Naruto. You may really be the light of hope we have all been dreaming of but couldn't see.
"Naruto looks down and then up towards the sky"
Naruto: - I have a lot to tend to....I will return to the village now but I will contact you in Amegakure if all works out.
"Naruto just remembers something"
Naruto: - Oh, and you should look out for a masked man in Akatsuki.
"Konan looks serious"
Konan: - Why do you say that?
Naruto: - Someone we can trust told me about it. He apparently is using Akatsuki for other means.
Konan: .........
Naruto: Do you know who this is?
Konan: Yes. His name is Madara Uchiha. I'm sure you've heard of him?
"Naruto looks a little shocked"
Naruto: - Madara...Uchida? The man who fought the first.
Konan: - That's him.
Naruto: - Uchida! That reminds me! Madara told us Sasuke defeated Itachi!
"Konan hesitates"
Konan: - ..Yes..he did....
Naruto: - Do you know what happened to him then? Madara and that plant guy seemed to go after him....
Konan: - Actually he joined Akatsuki... Last I heard from him was that he wanted some kind of revenge on Konoha for doing something towards Itachi.
Flashback ends
Naruto thinks to himself as he watches the disappearing figures of Konan and her friends: Sasuke.....What are you doing?
Switch scene to Sasuke:
"Sasuke and the gang are getting ready to leave, Madara enters."
Sasuke: - What is it?
Madara: - I just got the information that Pain lost to the nine tails.
"Close up on Sasuke's wide opened eyes in disbelief"
Sasuke: -Impossible...Naruto could never have...
"Madara studies Sasuke"
Madara: - That's right, you don't know this but Naruto took out other Akatsuki members as well.
"Sasuke looks at Madara with astonishment"
Sasuke thinks to himself: How strong have that cluts gotten?
Sasuke: - I don't know how it happened but it seems Naruto has become pretty strong huh?
Madara: - It seems we underestimated the kid yes. For Pain to be defeated...It's no small task.
Sasuke: - This is interesting news... It won't be easy then as I'm sure Naruto will protect Konoha at all costs....
Madara: - So that means to achieve your goals you will need to face him..will you be up for that?
"Sasuke looks indifferent at Madara"
Sasuke: - I have defeated him before and there is no way he could defeat me.
Madara: - Then you wouldn't mind recovering the nine - tails in place of Pain while your at it yes?
"Sasuke hesitates, then he smiles"
Sasuke thinks: I would like to see just how strong my new abilities are....and Naruto is the perfect person that represents the will of fire...And It can't be avoided if I'm to revenge Itachi.
Sasuke: - I will have my revenge..and If Naruto tries to stop me I will take him down. I have no more ties to him, I cut them already in the valley of the end.
"Madara watches Sasuke with delight and even a little fear"
Madara thinks: How long has it been since I felt even the slightest hint of fear? He is ruthless even to the degree of Insanity. He will be very strong... My goals is finally getting closer.
Madara: - Excellent. You know what to do, I'll leave the rest to you.
Switch to Naruto:
"As Konan disappears Naruto relaxes and feels the fatigue he didn't before"
"Naruto gasps for air and kneels down"
Katsuyu: - Naruto! Hold on...Neji and Rock Lee is coming to help you!
"Naruto looks at Katsuyu at his shoulder"
Naruto: - They are? How?
Katsuyu: - I'm leading them to you, Neji insisted.
Naruto: - That's fine...I'm alright but I'm kind of tired.
"Neji and Lee arrive at the ground where Naruto is kneeling"
Neji: - Naruto!
Lee: - Naruto, are you alright?
"They both come up to him and support him so he can stand. Lee looks around and Neji uses Byuukan to look around"
Naruto: - I'm fine guys, just a little tired.
Lee: - Is the enemy defeated?
Neji: - No! I see one figure moving away from here not far away!
"Neji starts to move, Naruto puts his hand on Nejis Shoulder stopping him. Neji Looks surprised at him"
Neji: - Naruto?
"Naruto gives Neji a serious stare"
Naruto: - Let her go Neji, she is not the enemy.
Neji: - Did you let her go?
Naruto: - Yes. Pain is dead, they are not our enemy anymore.
Neji: - But they destroyed the village! They Killed!
Naruto: - I know Neji, but as a final act Pain also revived the people that died....
"Lee and Neji is shocked by this statement"
Lee: -Revived?
Neji: What are you talking about Naruto!?
"Naruto stands on his own, tall and determined. He looks them straight in the eyes. He puts his hands on their shoulders"
Naruto: Don't worry you two. I've defeated Pain. Before he died he Revived the people who he hurt in Konoha. Even if that sounds weird it will all be explained in time. We won.... Konan left with their bodies to Amegakure. They will support us from now on. Trust in me.
The village needs us now. Let's go home.
"Naruto smiles"
"Both Lee and Neji is taken in by Narutos determination and can say nothing. They both stand there in some kind of aw at Narutos presence. "
Naruto: - Come on guys, help me home.
Neji: - Eh.. Of course Naruto!
"Leaning on his comrades Naruto begins the walk home."
Switch to Sakura:
"Sakura is helping people around the debris"
Sakura thinks: Impossible! I don't know what happened but people came back from the dead....This is a miracle.
"Someone Shouts something and Sakura looks up to see what the fuss is"
Ten-ten: - Naruto! It's Naruto!
"Sakura looks around and see that people are standing up all over the place to see Naruto return. Besides her is Hinata that is crying with Joy. Hinata stands up and shouts. Naruuutooo - Kuuunn!
Sakura feels as all her worries is washed away and she feels light-hearted at all the peoples joy at Naruto's return. She smiles and looks at the horizon."
Sakura thinks: Naruto! Look what you have become to the village....You saved us!
"Sakura looks to see the figure of Naruto leaning lightly on Neji slowly walking towards the crater area. The sun is starting to set so they have the sun in their back making them somewhat shadowy. Besides them Lee is walking to."
"Naruto lets go of Neji and raises his hand in a wave towards the people of Konoha. The people stand in silence as Naruto passes them and walks up to Sakura, Hinata and gang.
He looks around and smiles and his new found determination can be seen by all"
Naruto: - I'm glad your all safe! It was a close call there. The danger is over for now. Let's rebuild!
"The people around all start to cheer and chant"
People: - Naruto! Konoha's saviour!
Switch to Sasuke:
A panorama from outside the house Sasuke and gang was staying in, all members ready to go. Close up on Sasukes face, Let's move out! In the background you see one Sharingan looking down upon the team.
What will happen to the village?
Next chapter: - Wounds -
by: ShiverX
Status: Prediction
Note: This is only from Sasuke’s point of view.
Sasuke dashes off to Madara’s hideout
Madara: Are you finally feeling better?
Sasuke: …
Madara: Mmm… Well, the last Pain has failed and was defeated. I think you know by whom.
Sasuke: …
Madara: (switches to Tobi) So let me see! O.K. Sasori…Kakuzu…Hidan…Diedara…Pain……OH!!, OF COURSE, and Itachi!
(switches back to Madara)
Sasuke: Enough. I will take Konoha with your help or not.
Madara: So you came to ask me for assistance. We will need a plan. Pain has resurrected all those he killed in Konoha. AKUTSKI MUST ATTACK NOW!!
(time passes)
Team Hawk and all of Akutski are seen standing on the water at the Valley of the End.
Chapter 452
Kisame: Is it time?
Madara: Almost.
Chapter 457
Everyone on Akutski opens their eyes in shock.
Madara: It is time!
All the members do a jutsu sign.
All together: Release!
Each one of them is possessed with the power of the tailed beast that best fits them. 7 beasts and 7 Akutski members. They all have the ability to summon their beast, like the 8 tails’ possessor does. Each beast gives them a supernatural ability. For example, the three tails will give its owner hard skin, and five tails will give the ability to use all 5 elements. They ambush Konoha, and each one of them isolates a ninja to fight. Of course, Sasuke won’t have to find anybody to isolate, because Naruto will find him. Then the final war begins.
(Remember, Akutski doesn’t simply release the beasts, because the beasts benefit from their host’s knowledge, thus utilizing its abilities better.)
by: BADS41turbineB (comment #16)
Status: Prediction
Hello I can answer all your Naru related questions.
It's predictable: Kilerbee fights Danzou, Sai brings upon the 4th Ninja war (somethign big happens) and when Danzou loses or Killerbee loses, their eyesight may be regained. Most likely Danzou.
Sai may fix those eyes.
When Tobi fights Naruto's team, Naruto's obv gonna lose becauese... If it was tobi being unable to fight, where's the manga gone?
Tsunade's brother, when he joins the Akatsuki, will be revealed as dead but not dead (a Tobi-like incident). Tsunade's brother will be a major plot twist. I expect the manga to go to 700 with all this to fit in.
Great war = Amegakure, Sunagakure, land of waves, Konoha versus Otogakure, (Sai captures Kabuto) and Rock Village.
by: LostLegend (see Chatbox)
Naruto Chapter 449: Nagato's Last Moments
Read: Prediction on Naruto Chapter 450
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