Also translated in Italian, French, Portugese, Spanish, Chinese and Indonesian

Hanzou gives to order to kill Nagato. Hidden Rain shinobi appear.
Nagato repels their kunai with Shinra ??[Tensei?], surprising the ninja.
He takes the opportunity to save Konan, but his legs are hit by Hanzou's Katon technique[s].
Both his legs are crumbling...
(That's kinda why he's in a wheelchair now)
[Unsure]Hanzou is surprised when Nagato is standing with his Rinnegan, even after being hit by his Katon tech[s].
While Nagato collapses,
Summoning: Gedou Ma Zou[Lit.: Heretical Demon Statue]
(It's just like the statue that extracts and keeps the Bijuu)
Konan shouts: "Don't use that technique!"
Several black rods comes out of the statue and pierces Nagato's back.
Thence, in Musou[Lit: peerless; unparalleled; unparallelled; matchless] Mode, something like white dragons emerge from the statue's mouth.
They hit the Konoha Anbu and the Hidden Rain shinobi, their souls being extracted one by one.
The filler ninja are wiped out.(Danzou probably fleed after seeing the statue)
Hanzou escapes through Shunshin no Jutsu.
The end of the story, back to present time.
And afterwards, he says something like his comrades had died one by one.
He demands Naruto's answer.
Naruto remembers what Ero-sennin said.
(The stuff about everyone understanding each other~)
[Naruto:] Ero-sennin believed in me and entrusted it to me.
That's why I'll believe in what Ero-sennin believed in.
That's my answer!!
And that's why I won't kill you!
The end
Cover/spine is of Sasuke.
More info:
Sorry, I forgot to write this:
Nagato transforms from his healthy self to his crippled self when the blacks rods hits him.
[I think nja is saying that he's taking pictures of the spin-off about the Gutsy Ninja]
by: Nightjumper - NF
The last line of the spoiler - some additional information:
When Naruto is asked for an answer
He takes out Jiraiya's book, Dokonjyo- Ninja Gaiden (Gutsy Ninja Side-story)
translator's note: i think this is the book Naruto read during his Senjutsu training
by: boyakist 4649
"I'll try believing in what Ero-sennin believed in. That's my answer, and that's why I won't kill you guys."[Kanji for 'to kill']
[I don't get these two lines. ohana says something about looking forward to "custome urgent recruit" or something]
When Naruto is talking to Nagato, it's a close-up of Nagato's eye(s).
answering this question:
Will Naruto give [more] of his answer next time?
'Won't kill you'
and then, next time.
It was something like healthy Nagato being desperate to protect Konan.
by: Nightjumper of NH/Ohana
What Ohana is talking about here:
I guess there is an immediate request to fans/readers for costumes. Presumably for one of the characters - which may suggest another time jump soon (but that's just my own silly thought).
by: boyakist4649 - MH
Status: FAKE
Click Image to Enlarge

Status: Prediction by ShiverX
Naruto Shippuden 447 Prediction -
The Greatest Pain. Rain Stop, Awakening
Nagato:- He fell on that day, by my hand and his own will. I realized my answer meant nothing in the face of hatred. We tried to do things the right way but in the end the love we felt for each-other was our biggest weakness.
Bonds create openings that we could never defend. Yahiko was really a genius Ninja and leader but in the end he was killed for nothing. On that day the rain ended. On that day I awakened. I was no longer Nagato, I was pain.
Naruto: -What happened?
Nagato: - As Pain I vowed in my soul never to let anyone stop me ever again. I would protect Konan and this world and put a stop to the hatred that was the source of mine and everybody's pain. I was weak before, but Yahiko gave me something in his death.....
"Nagato looks as though the memory is immensely painful"
Nagato: - He gave me my first path.
"Naruto flinches by the cold words"
Naruto: - What?
Nagato: - With Yahiko gone my source of strength and protection was gone. He was my determination, he was my guideline. All that was left was nothingness and despair. His words ringed in my head. "I'm going to become a god of this world" As I felt his last heartbeat echo through the ground that despair turned into silence. As his heart went still, so did my mind. I didn't hate them for what they had done, but I pitied them. So small in mind but still so powerful. If they were not going to use their powers to end the pains of their people, I would. I couldn't understand their unwillingness to see the pain of others. I deemed them unworthy of the leadership. I would carry Yahikos dreams. I would become a god and a saviour of this world.
Naruto: - A god?
Nagato: - Yes. I would renounce my cares, my love, my will and body to the pursuit of that dream.
"Yahikos smile flashes before Nagatos mind"
Nagato: - At that day I willed Yahiko back to the battlefield. My first path and me overwhelmed the forces of Hanzo. As the rain stopped Yahiko was on his feet and pulled Hanzo towards us and before they could react Yahiko had sliced Hanzos arm, freeing Konan. Once Konan was free we released our full might upon them.
"Images of the battle, Yahiko and Nagato killing and fighting"
Nagato: - In the end of the fierce battle all was dead or had fled the immediate battle. Hanzo was badly injured and Danzo had taken to retreat. A great ninja in his own regard he was no match for Hanzo and as even he was loosing Danzo simply abandoned him. As the rest of my comrades laid on the ground around me I was going to end Hanzo but he set a trap for me and got away. My awakening had put me in a trance just like before. After the battle I came out of that trance, but something was different. I still recalled everything, not like before. And I saw things more clearly. My determination was strong and I knew what I had to do. Renouncing all my previous notions I came up with a new answer. I was going to form an organization, not to save the Rain country anymore, but to save the world. To do this all that stood in our way was going to have to be destroyed. Hanzo was first. But killing him would not be enough. I knew this all to well. I had to erase him or the circle of hatred would never end with him. Someone would hate me and try to take revenge.
"Naruto is listening intently and sweating a little"
Naruto: - What did you do?
Nagato: - As I said. I erased him. I killed him, his parents, his family...everyone!
"Nagatos eyes looks crazy as he say the last words"
Nagato: - After that I took control of the Rain country and later formed Akatsuki. Taking control was no problem. The people loved me for freeing them of Hanzo. I protected them.
"Nagato hesitates and looks at Naruto"
Nagato: - You know the rest, Akatsuki's goals I told you before. So?...Knowing the truth, our story. Do you hate us? What is your answer?
"Naruto looks at Konan and then Nagato again"
Naruto: - And the chair?
Nagato looks a little surprised at Narutos stalling"
Nagato: - Hanzo was no easy opponent. And his poison is not to be underestimated. He took my legs, and somewhat my health......But just as I vowed that doesn't matter, my body and soul for the promise I made.
Naruto: - I have one more question.
Nagato: - Yes?
Naruto: - The masked man in Akatsuki.....When did he join?
"Nagato is taken back by this statement"
Nagato: - What?....How do you know about him? Why do you ask?
Naruto: - I know one thing about him. He is using you and Akatsuki.
"Nagato is surprised yet again and goes suspicious"
Nagato: - Know this? How could you? Fine! I will tell you about this masked man, only if your answer is worthy.
Konan: - Nagato!
Nagato: - Konan, please. Trust me, this child does not have any answer! Although I wish he did. His role is just that of a weapon for Akatsuki to use....
Well? Do you have an answer Naruto?
"Naruto's eyes turn into normal sage again and he looks down."
Naruto: - My answer......In the face of my masters killers. In the presence of hate....
"Naruto looks up again. He stands tall, his eyes filled with determination"
I have an answer for you, for everyone.
"Nagato 's eyes turn big as he see in the light from outside shining in upon Naruto the familiar presence of Yahiko's determination in Naruto."
The determination is final!
NEXT WEEK. Naruto's answer!
Naruto Shipuuden 448 - The End of Pain, Naruto's Answer
by: ShiverX
Status: Prediction
Chapter 447: The Unleashing
"And then. That was when the change occured," said Nagato.
Switch Scene to the past:
"Yahiko. Why, you were the leader of our dream. It should've been me instead," cried Konan. (She cries)
"I'm a man of my word. You may have this woman's life," said Hanzou. (He pushes the shackled Konan down the cliff)
"I hope we've discouraged you from pursuing anything wreckless. And just in case, we've slaughtered your entire dream team," said Danzou. (Nagato holds Yahiko in his arms) "Nagato, we've failed. There can never be peace in the world of shinobi. We were foolish to think otherwise," cried Konan.
(Nagato walks over to help Konan up. He cuts her shackles. Nagato then stares at Danzou's head protector)
"Don't move. I've found the answer I've been waiting for. It took me a decade, but now its crystal clear," said Nagato. "You can't take on all of them. I know you, but even with Yahiko, this would be a suicide. Don't expect me to just stand by and let you die," said Konan.
"If you step in, you'll die. Let me face this alone, my destiny, my peace, through pain's eyes this time" said Nagato.
Switch back to the present:
"In that instant, my powers were fully awakened. It was like being born right after death. That day something in me awakened, like never before, pain overcame all my emotions. The pain I've felt through my entire life boiled to the surface. All I could think about was making them feel the same pain, and for me to do that, I craved bloodshed," said Nagato.
(Naruto is startled)
Switch Scene back to the past:
(Danzou and Hanzou glance at raging Nagato)
"Look at the fire in his eyes," said Danzou. "If he wants to die too, I have no problem with it," said Hanzou. "It'll be my honor. Men, crush em," said Danzou. (Nagato rushes into the fray. Dozens upon dozens of anbu black ops surrond him. Nagato then extends both arms.)
"Nagato, don't," yelled Konan. (Nagato looks over at Konan and then quickly turns away)
"If he's going to use that, then I need to get out of here. It consumes up so much chakra, that it leaves hims defenseless. I better take Yahiko away from here. He deserves better than this," said Konan.
(Konan uses her origami to transform into a winged angle. Her wings carries Yahiko's corpse away from the commotion)
"Good. She got away. No need to hold back. Shinra Tensei," yelled Nagato. (Everyone is being smashed by the full force of Shinra Tensei. Danzou and Hanzou look in awe)
(Immediately the surronding area is reduced to waste. Most of the Anbu ops are dead. Danzou is severly crippled. The smoke clears and Nagato is kneeling on the ground, drained and sweating heavily.)
"What, impossible," said Nagato. (Hanzou's Salamander is dead however, it protected him from the explosion)
"I won't kill you, even though you ended the life of my life long partner. (Smoke appears as the dead Salamander vanishes) I'll make make you crave death once I'm finished tearing you apart, limb, from limb," said Hanzou. (Hanzou pulls out two Kunai then the screen cuts)
Switch Scene back to the present:
"Just like that, our peace was shot down to pieces. Though permentally crippled, I survived and over the years I prefected my Rinnegan further, allowing me to move and display my abilities through the usage of corpses. I studied all forms of ninjutsu and undergone a series of taboo experiments.
I went underground for some time, planning my final assult against Hanzou. I created the technology responsible for the tower and communication network, Hanzou would never know a thing until it was too late. I used Yahiko's body to house my most powerful techniques.
It was like he was reborn. His body, my will, the will of God that he passed on to me. Hanzou's reign later came an end, then I became known as Pain, a messenger that would guide the world down the path of salvation," said Nagato.
(Shows God Realm walking over the corpse of Hanzou)
Now you know my story. How I came to be this obstancle that clouds your judgement. So what is it Uzumaki. Where is your answer now," asked Nagato.
(Naruto closes his eyes)
Next Chapter: Naruto's Answer (PLEASE FINALLY)
by: The Special One
Status: Prediction
Chapter 447
Nagato: It was the same as when my parents Died! I realized My Answer was worthless! And in a Moments Notice It happened
again. I started to feel if I was going to blackout as I did before, this time was different. I see everything. With one loud yell,
all of Hanzo's men where blown away from me. At that time I had no Idea what I did, but With my rage flowing, I did not care.
I was killing Hanzo's Soldiers one after another. I seen through all their Jutsus. I started heading towards Hanzo,
But With my mind, Body and Spirit full of rage, I never noticed Danzo's attack.
Naruto: Danzo? Do you mean the Danzo who Fought old Man Hokage?
Nagato: Yes, that is him.
Konan: Nagato!! Please Stop! This is as painful to me as it is to you!!
Naruto: ???
Nagato: No!! He must know, so he can determine if he indeed has the answer.
Konan: (Crying).... Please, I don't want to relive this..
Nagato: Looks down with tears in his eyes
Naruto: Staring at Nagato in anticipation.
Nagato: Danzo attacked me from Behind and I could barley stand. I yelled to Konan, Grab Yahiko and Go. As She grabbed Yahiko, I felt all My chakra
filling up within me. It felt as if there was an Earthquake happening. Danzo, Hanzo and there Men where trying to flee, And then I yelled So loud
and with so much pain, that Chakra was emitting from body. And then it happened again! Everything around me had been destroyed. But Hanzo and his men
where gone.
Konan ..... Crying
Naruto: Danzo? He is the leader of ANBU here in Konoha, why would he do that?
Nagato: I don't know, he is another reason why Konoha needed to feel my pain!
Switch Scenes:
Neji: Sakura, Gai, i found him.
Gai: Neji lets go.
Katsuya: Naruto specifically Asked that nobody interfere, you will only get in his way.
Neji: Naruto has won the fight, but he has to be exhausted! We are talking about the Akatsuki Leader
who was able to kill Jiraiya. This is no normal Foe. Plus We don't know what else he is capable of.
Gai: Neji is right, we must go. Sakura please tend to the wounded
Sakura: **Thinks to herself** again I am unable to help. It always ends up on his shoulders. He should
not have to carry this burden by himself all the time. But for now I know what I must do.
As Neji and Gai Start to leave, they are stopped by ANBU Black ops.
Gai: Why are you stopping us? You all look like you are well rested. Where were you all this time:
ANBU 1: That is none of your concern!
ANBU 2: You will not proceed any further to help Uzumaki Naruto!
Gai: Neji!
Neji: Closes his eyes, Hakke Rokujyu Yonshou, and Strikes ANBU 1 With full force.
Gai: Konoha Senpu! Kicks ANBU 2 knocking him out.
GAI: Neji Go on Ahead, I am not sure what's going on here, but something is not right!
Neji Leaves in a hurry
Swicth Scenes:
Naruto: Someone is here
Nagato: I sense them to. You can come out now Danzo
Konan: Nagato we must go!
Nagato: It is to late konan, we are surrounded!
Danzo: Hmmm, so it is you huh? I thought You would have died from that wound I gave you!
Naruto: Why Are you here? I told everyone to stay away from us. I want to talk not fight.
Danzo: ANBU subdue Naruto.
Several ANBU form Seals and bind Naruto so he cant move. His Chakra is being drained and Naruto faints.
Danzo: I am glad the kyubbi defeated you. You would have caused me a great deal of trouble.
Let us finish this. ANBU Take uzumaki naruto and kill this man.
Konan: I will not let you hurt us again!!! Konan Forms some seals to perform A jutsu
Switch Scenes:
Neji Is approaching Narutos Location, but notices Strange Chakra and an unusual amount of ANBU.
Neji immediately stops, but also notices Inoichi, Shikaku and the Hyyuga ninja hiding and masking there chakra.
Shikaku: Neji, Come over here so we can devise a plan.
Neji: What is going on? Gai sensi and I where attacked by the ANBU Blackops back in the village.
Inoichi: DAMMITT!!! It's just as jirayia Sama told us. Danzos ROOT ANBU have betrayed us.
Next: Danzos Plan
by: Hokage Inuyasha
Status: Prediction
Chapter 447: Nagato’s Awakening
Nagato stands shock with Yahiko bleeding in his arms.
Nagato; “Why Yahiko…”
Yahiko; “I tried my friend, but my way of bringing peace those not work”
Nagato; “Yahiko, Why!!!. I promise Yahiko I will bring peace.”
Yahiko dies, with a smile.
Hanzo looks down at the pair with a look of satisfaction on his face, then smirks
“I’ll let the girl go and let this be a warning to all who oppose me”
Back in Lab
Nagato Coughs!!!
“Me and Konan, fled with Yahiko corpse, but my pain was growing, I hated everyone, everything, but I was even more determine to gain peace by any means, this was my promise to Yahiko”
Coughs again
Konan; “Nagato you need help…”
“What does it matter Konan, I have fail Yahiko, but I still want to hear his answer”
Nagato; “Well”
Naruto; “What happen to you guys after, how did you form Akatsuki”
Nagato; “After Yahiko death, I craved only to see those who had done this suffer, so push myself to my limits, I tested myself against the very best Shinobi’s, I learned to control my Rinnegan, developed and learned forbidden techniques, then when I was ready, I faced Hanzo again for power of Amegakure, but this time I had the advantage , you see over the years he had grown weak but he was no fool he was always fully protected, but I had a secret.”
Coughs more raspy
Flashback of Animal, Human and Preta Paths, infiltrating Hanzo base for a confrontation.
Hanzo’s men rush into battle the three intruders, only be to easy disposed by the Animal Path summonings.
Hanzo and his Salamander enters the battle.
Hi Salamander starts battle with the summons, while he begin attacking the three intruders.
Nagato; “The battle with Hanzo was fierce, but he was old and weak, he had lost a lot of his speed but none of his strength and cunning, but he wasn’t prepare for my other three paths which were disguised amongst his men, you see Hanzo great weakness was that while he was always protected, his men were not ,so they were easy to infiltrate and even impersonate. So I lure him into a false sense of victory then unleash my surprise.
Hanzo is sitting on top of his Salamander, order his remaining three guards to clean up the intruders, .when one suddenly springs,, strike him with Chakra Disruption Blades, into his chest, while the Naraka Path proceeds to revive the others and Preta grabs hold of his Salamander and proceeds to drains it Chakra.
Hanzo; “ I saw you died,” to the Deva Path.
Deva smiles, “And it is only rightful that I should see you as well”
Deva throws a kunai from one of the fallen ninja’s kunai on the ground to Hanzo.
Nagato; “ That was the end of Hanzo reign and the beginning of a god‘s., I united the people Amegakure and brought peace to the land, anyone who oppose peace were…”
Naruto; “KILLED!!!”
Nagato bows his head
Nagato; “That the difference between me and you, we both want the same thing but you’re are not willing to go as far I am for it and why should you. Our worlds are different you grew up in a system I despise, even hated; Konoha brought chaos to my land, destroyed everything, my life, family and friends, but yet all I have ever craved for is peace, I put my body and soul into that my dream, our dream.”
Konan eyes grows tense and alarm, “ He is here Nagato, for the Junchuuriki”
My ending maybe be abit far-fetched and there is no fight scene because;
1) I have never wrote one before.
2) Don't know any of Hanzo's move to make one (hehhee) and inventive jutsu are hard, im not even sure of his fighting element (though i suspect it might be water)
3) This predict won't even come through, so it just be a drag
4) this was troublesome
by: naruto_nutty
My thoughts for the coming chapter: Nagato gets revenge on Yahiko's death.
The deadly Rinnegan was used in its full might and full control for the first time (Im assuming that the rinnegan that he used as a boy was involuntary). He is overwhelmed by the troup of Hanzou. Nagato gets the upperhand, then came Danzou as ally of Hanzou.
I am again assuming, there will be an encounter between Hanzou, Danzou and Nagato. This encounter crippled Nagato... oh well, this is just my prediction but who knows! What do you think?
compiled by: Warnia Dunia (various comments and reactions)
Naruto 447 Spoiler
Just thinking out aloud here….
Danzou is in hidding..(he knows Nagato is there)
Could it be possible there is a link for Nagato between Madara and Danzou in the comming chapters?
spoiler naruto 447
seriously i think that naruto will kill nagato,then the kage meeting comes and they will argue,because of that the next ninja world war will break out and begin in 2010
but before the war starts naruto will lay samui and all the konoha girls
naruto 447 spoiler
yeah maybe he is pain… or he is stuck into a machine…
or he is dead… and Konan is crazy
but I really think that Nagato must have some sort of handicap so he can’t get out of the village… well all rides on Inoichi now… and something happened to him to become proud of having the Rin’negan
there are a lot of possibilyties(he could also be a retard who is drooling the whole day^^)
i hope kishi will clear some things up in the next chapter.
spoiler naruto 447
i think kishi will start the chapter with inoichi and shukaku and they will try to find the location of nagato or will discuss it and on the last page we see pain something like:”Kyuubi,now begins my flashback so listen….Some years ago in the rain village….”CLIFFHANGER
naruto spoiler 447
[what kind of jobs ninjas will have when pain/naruto brings worlds peace?]
Good question. But I think they won’t get unemployed or something like that
They will do their jobs and escort Feudal Lords or whatever xD
That would be nonsense though…
And even if either Pein or Naruto brings “peace” to the world, there always will be someone who will break that peace. Even if it’s just a group of bandits who attack a small village or on the opposite some Nuke Ninja who plan a coup d’etat…
OK, if Pein destroys the whole world or whatever, then there certainly will be “peace”…
spoiler naruto manga 447
I just found that Sasuke was pretty easily manipulated by Madara to go and “destroy” Konoha (I know that he will probably turn against him and try to kill Madara afterward, but it doesn’t change the fact that, right now, Sasuke is doing exactly what Madara was planning for him).
naruto 447 Prediction
So he’s going to kill Danzou and the elders just because Madara told him that they were responsible for Itachi’s killings?
Then, after he will come to Madara and Madara will tell him that they didn’t act alone. All the other Kages were aware of that and agreed. And so Sasuke will go and kill all the Kages…
Ridiculous. Madara could wipe out all of his enemies by saying that they were responsible, and Sasuke will blindly go and fight them. And since he’s protected by the Gods (Kishi), he will never fail.
Spoiler chapter naruto 447
like I said, he believed him (to an extent, we don’t know what sasuke is fully thinking right now) not because he’s stupid, but because what madara said rang true. Why would itachi cry after killing his entire family if he was a cold blooded murderer? Why would he only keep sasuke alive? why come back to konoha just after sandaime died? You can give some half ass excuse for it, but it still doesn’t disprove what madara said. And he wasn’t easily convinced. We don’t even know if he is convinced. Remember, this is sasuke. He leads you one way and then shows you what he really intended. We all thought that he was wreckless and was willing to give oro his body, just to kill his brother….now we know that that’s not the case. Same with madara, he’s leading him on, and using him at the same time. Don’t take sasuke for an idiot. Don’t just assume he’s being easily manipulated and that he’s easily convinced. Sasuke isn’t going along with madara and akatsuki, he’s using them. And as far as sasuke going against what itachi told him…I don’t remember itachi saying anything like that…
chapter naruto 447
what;s wrong in that if they were? I don’t think sasuke is going to go in there blindly and just kill them…he’s going to go to them looking for answers, and once he gets the truth, he’ll act appropriately. After he’s done with that, he’ll kill madara…the line stops there. What madara told him fits with that sasuke remembers, so, to me, it looks like sasuke is going to see what’s up first, and then take action. Don’t forget, just because he’s siding with madara right now doesn’t mean that he’s not going to kill him like he told itachi he was going to.
naruto manga spoiler 4474
I really think that Sasuke had a amazing development in part 2… just felt uneven between him and Naruto…
I am looking forward to Naruto’s development after this fight… hope kishi got something amazing in store… this is one of the best moments to spin the story… specially because konoha is gone…I mean the city of course
spoiler naruto 447
Maybe Kishimoto will make Naruto travel to Kumo,meet some people with emotional issues and then he will change their way of thinking or will change their hearts with his special ability to change people.
I always loved it
Naruto 447 Spoiler
so who could have thought of that… Nagato is just like I thought he was…
so all there is left for this battle is either Naruto looses… or he wins in some miracle way… the next chap will be fun
spoiler naruto 447
well we cleared 6 of the tails, 7 of the Bijuu were cpatured, akatsuki got decimated, the kages are meeting for a big event, madara is beginning to show more of his secrets (Relation to Uchiha, senju and Itachi as well as his status as ex-Mizukage)….Pein cleared many of his secrets as well (if not most).
spoiler naruto manga 447
the pein philosphies adds element to Naruto. Its so great, because we can relate it to reality. Our world is filled with sin… and will get worse as we know it.
On the other hand, the sage-mode upgrades or the character naruto is long-overdue. I think
spoiler naruto manga chapter 447
Heres what will probably happen with Kabuto, we all know he has a very unique body that regenerates cells at a extremely rapid pace. Meanng that theoredically, his body can regenerate other cells that enter his body. And seeing as he injected Orochimaru’s cells into his own body, as Kabuto himself stated and Hinata showed us, we could see Orochimaru once again. I mean Orochimaru is sort of know for “shedding his skin” to heal himself as well as “body hopping”. And there is no way someone like Kabuto could ever control Orochimaru’s power.
And now that Orochimaru’s original body is being regenerated within Kabuto whats to stop him from coming back out? He could very well “snake his way out” of Kabuto’s body once he is fully regenerated in the image of his original body in a 20 some year old state. Besides he is the ultimate “villain”, Nagato is nothing more than a cry baby with anger/depression managment issues. While Orochimaru just killed people for his own purpose without any remorse or a “touching” past. He was the first real villain and he should be there in the very and as well.
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