Bluejam brings gifts to the King.
Bluejam: Looking for children? I know 3 who’d fit the bill.
Bluejam brings the Tenryuubito to Dadan’s place. Upon seeing Ace, Luffy and Sabo, Bluejam says it’s them. He wanted to bring the 3 children with him, but Dadan stops him.
Dadan: If that’s the case, just take me and sell me.
Dadan comments that she has the power (should be a devil fruit) to allow trees to grow freely.
Tenryuubito: Such power could fetch a high price! I won’t be needing those scum anymore.
Ace/Luffy: Wait – why? (to Dadan)
Dadan: You both have always given me trouble! But we still are family, aren’t we? It’s no big deal being a slave, when I’m doing this for you.
She adds that Garp would throw her in jail if she let them both become slaves, and it goes without saying that a jail’s more secure than a palace
Tenryuubito: Hey, pirate, seems like she doesn’t seem to care. She’s gonna bring in the money – thanks~
Bluejam: So, I guess I can do what I want with them?
Tenryuubito silently acknowledges.
Bluejam: Now then, the debt you owe me can’t just be paid with money.
The trio appear afraid.
Bluejam rushes towards Ace, Sabo throws a rock while Luffy watches.
Bluejam: That hurt!
Bluejam slashes Sabo.
Ace/Luffy: Sabo!
Bluejam: One’s down. But before I deal with you two, you better tell me where the treasure’s at! Where is it?!
Ace: You actually – Sabo!!!
Ace gets beaten back easily.
Bluejam points a gun to Luffy: Say it!
Luffy: I won’t! We’re friends!
Bluejam fires off a shot, which rebounds off Luffy.
Bluejam: I’m dying!
Ace regains consciousness and sees Bluejam crumpled on the floor.
Ace: Did… you do that?
Luffy: Mmm.
Ace: Thanks…Thank you!!
Scene changes to Sabo’s grave.
Ace: Sabo…That enthusiam you had…will live on within me! I’ll become a strong pirate!
Luffy: Ace, are you not aggrieved?
Ace: Of course I am. But I made an oath. Pirates lead dangerous lives, and should a friend fall, the other must become stronger for him!
Luffy: Ace, you are strong, and I want to be strong too! So, let us be friends!
Ace: We won’t.
Luffy: Why!!! Wasn’t it I who took Bluejam down!
Ace: Dadan and Sabo aren’t here anymore, it’s just the both of us. We can’t just be friends – we should live on as brothers!
Flashback ends.
Luffy: …
Jimbei: Hm? What is it, Luffy-kun?
Luffy: I want to live on! For Ace!
Jimbei: !!?
Luffy: Ace lives in my heart!