Naruto Shippuuden Movie 4: The Lost Tower
Tags: naruto Shippuuden Movie, Naruto Movie, Naruto Movie 4, Naruto: The Lost Tower, Naruto Movie 4, Naruto Movie 4: The Lost Tower
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Naruto Shippuuden Movie 4: The Lost Tower
Diposkan oleh AnonymousSaturday, April 24, 2010
Featured Reader Of The Week: Sasuke
Diposkan oleh AnonymousMy real Name is Elie, I’m 16 year old and I live at Montreal Québec Canada. As you guys can see I’m Sasuke in the cbox. Stuff I like is reading manga and watching anime....and...well I only watch Naruto and Pokemon if that counts :D I also love chatting random discussion in the cbox with Sensei-Q, State, Gama, Musica, Anko, BlackNinja, Evil snake, Grimslade, Its me, Taka, Itachi-kun and NSH Icon... (Sorry if I forgot someone)
[Anko]: yeh u best be sorry! - random..lolz..theres always someon-ohmygosh! U 4got ....*runs off without finishing sentence*.............*comes back when i assume sasuke-s 4gotten the last 15mins of his life o.o)...sooo
Have you watched Naruto from the very beginning?
Well in Canada it’s only up to episode 80 the it restarts over again. I think iv watched it 3 or 4 times already from ep1 to 80. O_O I really got annoyed! and here is where I discover that Naruto exist in the internet ! :O lol..btw I was 10 when I began so don’t blame me ^_^
[Anko]: naw i understand!...tell me about it *rolls eyes* we’v had the same problem here in Europe. It reaches the sand + oro invasion and then restarts from square 1. wth @#;?!*
..Anyway when i found that more new episodes came on TV,I continued watching until 220. Now As for the Shippuden..iv kind of skipped all the talking and only watched all of the Akatsuki fights up until now
Which do you prefer manga or anime? (or both)
I prefer the two of them. The manga- because it’s further then the anime...and the anime well... because we see them fight for real. ...........Um on second thoughts...personally I prefer the anime better because now I can’t wait every week to read the kills me to wait.... (Wish I could travel back in time so I can re-read it xD) for the anime..I don’t get bored seeing the same matches over and over again!
I know (and its obvious!) that you are a huge fan of sasuke :) may I ask why? (lol)
Haha a question mostly everyone wants to know.
[Anko]: *dreaded feeling* im the only one who doesn’t know o.o?*goes wanderin off into the woods absent-mindedly..*
Half my friends always with that question ‘’Why you like this –insert sensor words here- Guy Sasuke....
Ah.. Here’s my reason. We all know that Sasuke was living his life peacefully before Itachi kills everyone (for a good cause) Well the pain Sasuke got...I feel it two...I know seeing everyone die is very hard for him...that why I acknowledge him...he grew up on his own (same goes to Naruto!!)
[Anko]: *mental thought* - omg lool u sound like naruto atm–sure ur favs sasuke and not naruto??
lolz Now everyone ask me ‘’Why didint Sasuke just stay emo at the corner of the class as he use to be?’’..... Well seeing that is no easy game...he isn’t emo too (anko:*restraining from bursting out laughing*..yup yup..sure hes not) ... it’s just hard for him to trust someone like he did for Itachi. He just really hurt in the inside so it’s hard for him to express his feeling to girls
[Anko]: *talking bout sakura or Karin* ‘sly smile* :))
..And others friends. (At least he said Tank you to Sakura :D) ..(Anko:*snorts* yeh-thank u for the re-assurance -need to get away from useless, pathetic girls like u >_<)
..Ouf that’s an awful long text here! Hehe I’m not finished!.. Other things iv started to like about him is his battles - I love his tactics in a battle. HE can pull a lot BETTER and EXCITING battle then Naruto (as my guess/opinion). His Justus and sharingan are really interesting to see and watch- not only one but two and three time :D
[Anko]: loool if u say so ^ *whistles* ..sasukes time to shineee..*stil cant see wot u seeing..but yeh hes hot –its all gd- eye candy-wt else is he good 4?^_^*
Sasuke: Killing people for no reason...its like he stress out and asking himself ‘’What do I do...What do I do....*Kills person* Oups....’’
Would sasuke have been your favourite character if he didnt have the sharingan or was not an uchiha?
Very good question Anko.
[Anko]: *big grin* thank u thank u..
...He will have stayed my favourite but not number one. (Anko: AHH HAH! I KNEW IT!!*) ...Number one will probably be Naruto I think. But he’ll stay with my top five favourite ninja no doubt. His hax is what interesting for me I guess :P
[Anko]: im deciding wether your a loyal sasuke fan..*scratching head* ..NOT! :D so sasukes only worth payin attention to becoz of his sharingan and his heritage? nyahahahahah (Anko’s inner voice: duhhh why else would anyone like him?! ppft)..>_<
Do you have any other favourite characters? If so, what are the reasons for liking them?
Ofcourse that I have -Naruto.....Why??.. Who wouldn’t love the main character?? (Anko: erm..some trolls that come on cbox? o.o).. Then come Orochimaru. I find it very interesting the way he plays with snakes and all....and Kakashi...because he’s awesome no question about that...also Jiraiya because I see myself doing the same thing sometime haha.
[Anko]:*you calculate how many cms a girls assests are ? and u go to the spring baths to take a perv on the girls :O??? *shock-HAW SPAM!!* ..looking around to see if theres any sign of any other humans* ~uh..
Sasuke: Sometime...not always ^^ don’t worries i’m not behind you (nose growing longer) *run away*
back to - *listing off character mode* ...also Neji because he can perform so awnsome match with his byakugan...on of the most epic is versus kidomarou and not forgetting’s my big bro after all. Well I like everyone if you want me to conclude: P There’s only one person that I hate and that shino...There’s no specific reason...insects aren’t my things.
[Anko]: loool thought you were going to give a review on all the characters for a min :P ...haha@insects..poor shino xD
Sasuke: I was :P but needed to catch my breath for a second. Talking about insect *kills spider on wall* Much better...where were we again? ^_^
lol Who's jutsu do you think is the coolest?
I’ll take off the sharingan jutsus and say Kirin and Rasenshukiren. Those are killing jutsu man. Also Chidori and Sage mode (if that count as a jutsu)
If you were to hang around with a Naruto character for 24hours..who would it be? (and why)
Hahaha don’t get me started with this question..! Why not walk with Sakura on my right and Tsunade on my left ? Epic win from me!!! xDDDDDDD
[Anko]: :| ........................FAIL.......................*this guy is totally mini-J man O.O
... *caught* Sorry about carried away... I’ll hang ot with Team 7 because theyv been my favourite team for a long time...o and I really want to meat Sai haha he seems a funny guy to hang out with!
[Anko]: u might take your words back after youv met him lmao@ remembering sai callin naruto *di*less* and sakura *ugly b*tch* or sumtin ^_^ < fake smile*
Sasuke: I know that...that why I want to meet him He’ll have some competition battling me!! Or ask Yamato to help me out with his scary face no jutsu o_o
Have any confession to make/guilty habit?
This may seem stupid but I love running like ninjas in the streets...or running after crow thinking that it’s Itachi LOL. I always daydream about being the rarest ninja in this world...imagine yourself waking up the next day with sharingan and epics jutsu up your sleeves....or that I have a big imagination.
[Anko]:..yup. youv lost it dude ................. *thinking about who Anko’s snakes should eat next ?...hmm....that fat kid may do....*
Why do you like Anko? (loooool dont even know if u do..since iv asked u best give a positive feedbak!)
I won’t be mean and say that I dont like Anko. Her jutsu are epic...I like her sense of humours too...and the first time I saw here (at the exams) She was hot...specially what she wear 0_0 In one world she’s awesome!!
[Anko]: (4got to comment on the above comment..)
Sasuke: No comment about that?? :P
[Anko]: lool..just saw it now *pressing specs in place-ahEm* ..i think your right xD @ anko=epic. and ofcourse youd like wot she wears ! *thinking wether i should feel pissd for Anko being being perved at or happy coz i- i mean she hawt!).loolz.(",)
*Snapping back to reality*..Anywhoo..What does Naruto lack in terms of power (or isit looks ?) that sasuke has? im asking this in regards to your favouritism towards sasuke! :P
Well Naruto needs to grow up and stop thinking about Sasuke all the time. HE can be very strong sometimes.. But when it comes to Sasuke...that’s his week point. I don’t mind if he beats the crap of Sasuke...I just want him to forget and think about Sakura for once (Naru/Saku FTW)
[Anko]: think about who ? *blink blink* ..all i remember about naruto + *insert name* is him saving a little whiny, annoying, useless girl in almost every single mission theyv been on :|))..even sasuke ><
....other than that, I see him as the Hokage later on. Oh - about his tactics too...not very brilliant when he comes out of nowhere and does his act in front of his enemies (talking about part 1 of the series)
Do you think Sasuke will come back to konoha in the end?
I hope soo. I don’t like how Kishi made him this far.
[Anko]: ya totally! - xD emo + a**hole towards everyone including naruto and sakura + selfish of his brothers desires + naive and gullible = * __________fill in blank readers__________ :P*
... Always about darkness and all. He was caring in part one...even in Shippuden he didn’t want to kill people during his practices...Now Kishi made him a killing machine....Damn you Madara for telling him your retarded story that don’t make sense you liar !!! *relax* I’m overrated I bit sorry
Which ninja battle did you enjoy watching the most? (and why)
Sakura vs Sasori. Sakura was awesome in that match!
Sasuke vs Deidara. More Sharingan and lightning jutsus on the use. And also Deidara is one epic dude
[Anko]: *sniffles wit sasuke-kun..passes some tissue..* itachi !!!! :’(
Sasuke: *sniff* Really hard for me losing my Ni-san *cries some more*
Naruto vs Pain Wow this have to be the best match too (after the Sasuke vs Itachi one)
Kakashi asuma kurenai vs Itachi and Kisame (Its was epic the first time I saw it back then)
[Anko]: aw ye i quite liked that ep too..first akatsuki appearance –epic! ;)
Lastly..are there any pics you'd like to share with everyone?? :D
[Anko]: wow..that is one of the best pics shared so far! (IMO) XD – pic jacked!! hehehe
THANK U sasuke for delighting us with this interview..! *passes a lollipop an gamas pie to sasuke* - now i finally understand (i think) why u like sasuke ! :D ..he was one of my fav aswell (*was) before he went psycho mode! Hope he returns to his usual self in the end...somehow..i miss it D: *borderline of being annoyed*....sigh* oh well, as long as your around!!! (on cbox) our thoughts on sasuke shall never grow *coughs-maybe* as dark as his mind .....and brain---------if he has any.. (lool sounds lamely poetic and corny *cringe*)...@ blog followers and fans passing by!: hope you guys enjoyed reading this interview and thanks for the positive feedbacks (and perhaps random freaky-mind boggling confessions..O_O) from the previous interviews loool. *plastered smile* Ill be looking forward to your comments on this one and see what you all have to say about *HOT TOPIC* Sasuke-kun liking Sasuke-kun!! xD (and ofcourse anything else u may want to comment on) ;D ja’ne!
Sasuke: Tanks for having me :D *goes away traumatized by the last line from Anko*
Is this what they talk about when I’m not around?? oO
Naruto 492 RAW Spoilers and Predictions
Diposkan oleh,,
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Original Script
by: Tobirama
Naruto 492: Meeting of the Two Hosts
-the final two jinchuriki have outlasted the rest but now fate has made them meet-
Naruto : this guy is awesome
Cloud guy : Killerbee-sama this boy is the Kyuubi jinchuuriki
Naruto: sage of the leaf that's me
Killerbee: yo what's yo' name
Naruto: Uzumaki Naruto
Killerbee: cool
Naruto: yo a wise person said you'd I would meet you but how did you turn from octopus to human
Yamato: he's the hachibi jinchuuriki
Naruto: ...
Killerbee: i'm killerbee the hachibi it was my destiny.
Naruto: it makes perfect sense
Killerbee: what young fella
Naruto: supersage said I will meet an octopus and your A jinchuuriki who can control your bijuu so your meant to teach me how to control the kyuubi
Yamato: ...makes sense
Killerbee: let's get movin' 'n' groovin' till ya get control o' dat bijuu, that cool?
Naruto: whatever you sayread and submitted only at changes)
Tsunade: so we know where to put the jinchuuriki but what about if akatsuki attacks.
Raikage: I'll be assembling a platoon to keep a watchful eye on Naruto and Bee and if anything happens they'll let us know.
Mei: what about military power?
Raikage: I want a list of all the shinobo of the ninja villages and rankings previous missions and give to Tsunade.
Tsuchikage: yes
Raikage: from there Konoha will assemble squads of ninjas that best work with each other.
Tsunade: understood!
Tsuchikage: it's most likely akatsuki will attack very soon though where will they attack
Raikage: Konoha!
Mei: why??
Raikage: konoha received a beating last time akatsuki invaded and konoha is still weak that's why it's likely that due to the village's state madara will attack Konoha
Tsunade: I see Raikage I'll make sure konoha will be prepared
Tsuchikage: ninja forces are of the essence though when it comes to Madara anything's possible.
Raikage: I agree.
Mei: We need to keep strong contact so we need a meeting point convenient for all of us in any urgent situation.
Tsuchikage: I'm too old for such tiring trips.
Tsunade: we'll meet up at the borders of Konoha as our rendezvous point since Konoha is in the middle of the five great nations.
Raikage: sure can do
Tsuchikage: ok
Raikage: meeting dismissed.
Unknown ninja: I have received word from the other villages that the 4th ninja war will commence soon.
???: It's been a long time since the previous war and i'm here to protect my village my way and to think Madara would go ahead with it so soon.
(The person can be seen)
Konan: The moon's eye plan is one thing though there are other uses for the tailed beasts that may sway the odds in his favour.
Unknown ninja: what's that??
( Scene change)
Madara: Zetsu we need to prepare for this war akatsuki us at an all time low.
Black Zetsu: So what?
White Zetsu: don't ya get
Madara: yeah zetsu I give you that task before we go for attack.
(zetsu leaves)
Anko(in thought) my presence hasn't been detected yet, how much info can I get without being caught.
(suddenly a shadowy figure appears)
???:Konoha eh I thought you'd follow me !
Anko: damn you kabuto!
Kabuto: not so fast Anko I not here to harm you
Anko: what??
Kabuto: i'm more so here for a deal
Anko: what kinda deal
Kabuto: simple Madara has accepted me into Akatsuki I'll keep an eye on them like your spy though for something in return
Anko: for what?
(Scene change)
Naruto: So what type of ninja are you
Killerbee:"You know I’m bad,just last week, I murdered a rock,
Injured a stone, Hospitalized a brick.
I’m so mean, I make medicine sick."
Naruto: woah man you're an awesome rapper.
(suddenly a large mutated leopard appears)
Yamato: Shit what s beast
Killerbee: I'll take care o'dat
(killerbee transforms into 4 tails state and does a mini menacing ball destroying the area)
Naruto: what an awesome technique!
Yamato: you used that technique against orochimaru.
Naruto: you serious!!??
Killerbee returns to his normal state.
Naruto: let's get going teach me how to control the kyuubi of mine.
Killerbee: Teach?
Naruto: yeah what's wrong?
Killerbee: it's just that I'm always the student not the teacher so I don't know how to
Naruto: This is gonna be a tough one!
Kabuto wants to propose a deal with Anko, Killerbee just doesn't know what to do what next??
Next time: Naruto's lesson
by: Owusu
Naruto 492: The Island Of Death
With the help of a unknown ally, Naruto looks up to his rescuer as they approach the Island
Naruto: Who are you?
Killer Bee: I’m the eight tailed beast, I’m like so cool, that my tunes and my beats will make you look like a fool YEAH!!!
Naruto: (That was just plain weird. No, it’s beyond weird. But still, that old hermit of a sage foresaw this is to be the person to teach me how to control the nine tails so no matter how weird this guy is, I will master it!)
Yamato: (It’s hard to believe sometimes that this guy is the eight tails jinchurikki. Then again, the same can be said for Naruto Uzumaki)
Naruto, this guy is the eight tails jinchurikki, Lord Killer Bee. He is a ninja of the Kumogakure village as well as the Raikage’s brother
Naruto: Hmmmm…… there is a resemblance. The colour and the face description look the same though this guy doesn’t even look the part of a ninja, much less a jinchurikki.
read and submitted only at
Naruto: Correction, this guy doesn’t even look nor act human, much less a ninja, but appearances can be deceiving….
Killer Bee: ( Just like my brother, always looking down on me…)
Yamato: Well, we better be getting off board, we’re approaching the bay to the beach
Naruto: What beach? All I can see are some grains of sand and buried bones of what used to be alive. It’s like I’m walking among the dead. No offence Captain Yamato, but I rather take my chances seeing your scary face than have to even set foot on that island
Yamato: I do not pull a scary face; my face brings peace and joy to all people that see me
Naruto: Heh, heh, heh, err yeah sure… (If you’re someone that walks among the dead)
(The crew, alongside with Naruto, Yamato and KillerBee, approach the island)
(Back at the leaf village, Tsunade still wonders if sending the two jinchurikki to the island was a wise move)
Tsunade: Shizune!
Shizune: Yes Malady
Tsunade: Give me the report on Naruto and Killer Bee
Shizune: It seems that the escort to the island was successful. There were no problems and furthermore, no Akatsuki members around the area.
Tsunade: Still… I would have been better if both Naruto and the eight tails were to take part in this war. Fear enough, they are the main targets, especially with Uchiha Madara currently holding seven of the Bijuu and the power they hold are unknown. But both the Kyubi and the Haichibi would be valuable assets as well.
The Kyubi for instance; although it is a portion of the “Jubi”, It is rendered as the most powerful tailed beast the world has ever known and the Haichibi, although is has eight tails, its power comes second to none.
Plus, from what I gather, Sasuke attacked the Kage Summit and was able to stir a lot of trouble, even by their standards. So how much more of a dilemma will Uchiha Madara inflict upon all of us? The entire Ninja world hangs on a balance and can soon tip over if Madara wins.
Shizune: I understand your concern, but remember that Naruto is still an incomplete jinchurikki. Although he has been able to use the chakra of the nine tails, there have been times when the nine tails consciousness has obscured his judgement in certain situations. For instance, when they made the rendezvous at the bridge in order to infiltrate Orochimaru’s hideout and although a failure, it was reported that Naruto attacked Orochimaru but also inflicted damage to Sakura in the process.
Then there is also the damage when fighting, Pain, the leader of the Akatsuki. He transformed into the 8th stage and was nearly approaching nine tails but the seal was able to stop that from happening. So with Naruto on the battlefield, he would bring nothing but chaos. The risks are too great.
He could pose a threat to his comrades and himself. Perhaps some good will come out of his hiding. Who knows, he might be able to control the Kyubi with the help of the Raikage’s brother.
Tsunade: That is IF, he chooses to help Naruto. From what I also gather, Killer Bee is not exactly the teaching type. More of a lazy, head in the clouds type of ninja…..
(Somewhere deep in the forest, Madara rallies his army of the dead and prepares for war with his current member…)
Zetsu: I’ve gained Intel from Kisame and the movements the Kumogakure village are making.
Madara: Good. Keep me posted
(Zetsu, disappears)
Madara: Are they ready?
Kabuto: As requested
Madara: And there will be no problems using them?
Kabuto: Orochimaru was able to summon both the 1st and 2nd Hokage when fighting the 3rd Hokage. A consecutive tatic indeed; but the point is there were no problems during the summoning and like I’ve said, I’ve attained all of his power.
Madara: Very well, but heed my words carefully Kabuto. I will not give you Sasuke until this war is over and any attempts to double-cross me…. Put it this way. Seeing as how Orochimaru died by an Uchiha’s hands and you’ve attained Orochimaru’s power, well it will be nice to KILL YOU AGAIN.
Kabuto: Like I’ve said, there will be no problems. Besides there is no point in swindling you, I would obviously die. Just make that YOU hold up the end of the bargain.
Events are folding, as Akatsuki and all the current villages enter into the 4th Shinobi Great World War. Will Naruto be able to ultimately control the nine tails? Will Madara succeed in his devastating goal for world dominion? Find out in the next chapter
Naruto 493: A Ninja’s Rocky Path
(sasuke enters)
Sasuke: I will go, only I am destined to kill Naruto.
Sasuke: I dont care about Hachibi. My aim is only Naruto's blood
by: MTUV
Chapter 492: Training
(Sasuke scene)
Sasuke is running towards a point of light and darkness is pursuing him………… he trips and gasps looking at the absolute darkness approaching him and then the darkness devours him ………… sweating , he
wakes up. In a cell, Madara watches sasuke.
Madara “ I see , you having bad dreams again, huh ?”
Sasuke “ no, its nothing…….” , lies down again , thinking “ I have to master the EMS , it is my only chance , I can’t afford to lose….”
Madara , walks out of the cell.
White Zetsu..” Madara- sama , why do you trust sasuke so much , he might as well turn his back on us like he did to orochimaru !”
Madara“ I am the only uchiha other than him alive, he WILL NOT betray me, I know it. But just as a fail-proof there is a little something that I haven’t told him about obtaining EMS……. ”
Zetsu “………………”
(Naruto scene)
Naruto” you……. You’re the octopus …………”
Killer Bee “Of course I am the 8 tails hachibi jinchuuriki !! punk, didntcha know, u can call me Lord killer bee , YO !! ”
Naruto amazed “ U R SOOOOOO coolllll….”
Yamato thinking……“ oh no !!! not a rhyming naruto now !!”
Naruto “ Octo-sama plz oh plzzz teach me to control the 9 tails !!! it was proficised u would train me to control the 9 tails !! “
Killer Bee thinking….“ he still hasn’t controlled the 9 tails, AND took care of that akatsuki brat !! ……..Impressive kid..”
Killer Bee “ Do ya know how to sing brat…!!! “
Kisame , inside samehada, thinking “ he’s going to teach the kid to control the 9 tails , this aint good , we’ll have to proceed fast !! But how do I get out of here without being detected ?? “
After a few days………
Naruto “ yo, yo , I am the coolest kid inda town !! I can rap , hap and take a nap ……“
Killer Bee “ You’re pretty good kid , you pick up fast….”
Naruto “ Let me guess, this is to calm down my mind to focus on trainin to control the 9 tails….. Right Octo-sama ?? “
Killer-bee “ huh ??!! no , this has got nthin to do with it , I like singin thts it ……“
Killer Bee “ oh that !! I am afraid kid , u’ll have to do it yourself………”
Naruto “ WHAT ??? if that was possible I would have done that already……. Cmon , u HAVE to tell me something that I am missing…….”
Killer Bee “ To control your beast, you have to be in sync with him, his thoughts , his actions , everything of you both should be corroborated with each other….”
Naruto……” How do I do that ?”
Killer Bee “ Look into yourself and understand your tailed beast better , that’s all I have to teach to you “
Naruto …. Thinking………” Its time I have a talk with the kyuubi himself !! “
Chapter 493: Demon Seal Reopening
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Friday, April 16, 2010
Raw Paradise Was Closed --- R.I.P
Diposkan oleh Anonymousby: tomodachi89
Today, Raw Paradise, the best raw manga provider, closed its doors for ever as Shueisha (publisher of Weekly Shonen Jump and other mags) asked them to remove the DL-links. According to the publisher, they’d hurt the industry and the way the mangaka wants the people to read their works.
Although RP is gone now, I don’t think that the WSJ scanlation will be affected in any way as there are enough scanlation groups out there which get their scans privately. I’m really troubled about the other manga chapters which were only available on RP (like Koe de Oshigoto or Let’s Lagoon).
If Shueisha really worries about damaging the industry, I got a real great solution (you might also look at this article for more ways).
The idea I got is to use available technologies and services to distribute mangas, rather creating new ones. A great way to reach many people all over the world is iTunes. Recently Apple has been starting to offer e-books trough it. So my question is “why not manga?”
The publishers have everything they need to do this. They just have to translate and typeset the pages and it’s almost 100% done. They don’t even need to clean and edit the pages as they have the original manga manuscripts right from the mangakas (on top of that, they already scan the manga pages in order to typeset them in Japanese for the printed magazines).
Just hire 2 or 3 people and within a week, all the Shueisha mags are completely scnalated, then put them up on iTunes for 5 USD each magazine or 1 USD for a chapter and make tens of trillions of Yen. To prevent sharing the scans, just simply set up a DRM-system and after or 2 months make them DRM free.
When you think about it, the manga industry’s is similar to the music industry’s case:
The publishers missed the digital age. The international market is huge and asks for more mangas. But if the publishers don’t get their things done, it’s no surprise that a large community of manga-pirates could build up. They can’t only blame us, they have to blame themselves, too and learn from their mistakes… dammit.
PS: When I'm in Japan, I’m paying them a visit to suggest my idea hahaha
Label: Others